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Dr Kwadwo Owusu Akuffo selected as a TWAS Young Affiliate 2021

Thu 13 Jan 2022

The World Academy of Sciences Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Partner (TWAS-SAREP) has selected Dr Kwadwo Owusu Akuffo from the Department of Optometry and Visual Science KNUST as a 2021 TWAS Young Affiliates. Dr Akuffo was selected by the Selection Committee appointed by the TWAS-SAREP Office and endorsed by the TWAS Office in Trieste, Italy.

The idea of the Young Affiliateship is to give opportunities to young scientists who currently do not have them because they are based in Africa or elsewhere in the developing world. To be eligible, the nominated scientists must have PhD, be aged 40 or less on 1st January of the year in which they are selected, living and working in a developing country for at least the past three years and have an excellent track record of at least 10 international publications in peer reviewed journals. Nominations are invited from TWAS and AAS fellows, Members of National Academies and fellows, Members of Young Academies of Science in the region, Research Institutions, Research Councils and Universities in the region.

This is an Affiliateship for a period of five years. During this tenure, he will be invited to participate in TWAS general meetings and conferences as well as provide feedback to TWAS on how the Academy can respond to the needs of young scientists in developing countries. This is a prestigious and wonderful opportunity for any young African scientist.